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Podcasts: An Untapped Opportunity for Financial Advisors

Podcasts: An Untapped Opportunity for Financial Advisors | USA Financial
Nov 9

Starting a podcast as a financial advisor can become an incredible marketing tool to attract and sign new clients for your business.


If you’re like most advisors USA Financial works with, you are regularly faced with the struggle of time management. Surely there is a more effective way to communicate your value proposition, balance the need to stay in front of your clients and communicate with them, and also grow your practice by adding new clients. Right? The time management struggle is real.

Enter the podcast.

It is a tool that can accomplish a variety of functions within your practice. It’s also a tool that is becoming increasingly popular and appeals to a more educated and wealthier group of people.

This guide was created to help you get started on your own podcasting journey. In it, we share everything you need to get started, including technology and hosting recommendations, best practices for reaching your target audience, and determining the best format for your show.


#1 - Why You Should Podcast
#2 - Creating the Ultimate Podcast
#3 - Equipment for Podcasting
#4 - Best Practices for Success
#5 - Simple Tips for Gaining an Audience & Distributing Your Podcast
#6 - Distributing Your Podcast and Creating Even More Awareness

Why You Should Podcast

Podcast popularity has steadily risen over the last several years. A 2023 report from The Infinite Dial reported that 64% of Americans, an estimated 177 million people, listened to a podcast at least once in their lives. This was an increase from 57% the prior year and is a trend that will continue to rise for a host of reasons, yet very few financial advisors have begun to leverage this opportunity. If you are considering whether or not you’ll get in front of people with your podcast, consider these facts and stats on about podcasts, according to The Infinite Dial Report from Edison Research:

  • 42% of the US population age 12+ have listened to a podcast in the past month
  • 18% of those listeners are age 55+ and 35% are between the ages of 35-54
  • 52% of monthly podcast listeners have household income over $75k.
  • Compared to the U.S. 18+ population, weekly podcast listeners are 28% more likely to be saving for retirement

The birth of the smartphone has made these far more accessible as they become an everyday alternative for radio listeners. Additional benefits to podcasting include:

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