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4 Biggest Financial Advisor Marketing Trends for 2024

4 Biggest Financial Advisor Marketing Trends for 2024
Dec 12

In recent years, industries have undergone transformations which have compelled businesses to adapt and innovate in order to remain competitive. For example, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed our digital landscape over the past year. As marketers, it's crucial to adapt to change and stay ahead of the competition. This means being constantly aware of emerging trends, technologies, and customer behaviors.

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For those of us in the financial services industry, we’re smack dab in the middle of the three-way intersection between trends in technology, finance, and marketing.

Paying attention to these trends and learning which ones to embrace is critical to your success, regardless of whether you are the new firm on the block or the seasoned and mature practice in your community.

The list below highlights some of the most popular trends you should pay attention to in the upcoming year.

Trend # 1: Authentic Storytelling

Successful marketers use storytelling as a tool to emotionally connect to consumers. Stories have a way of grabbing our attention, and when the narrative resonates with you through connection or interaction it can influence your behavior. Authenticity is important for creating genuine conversations and connections. This isn’t a new concept, but with the rise of AI, consumers are seeking out raw or real stories from brands that feature real people. When you showcase a brand and use storytelling to communicate values and purpose, it humanizes your brand.

Coaching-Consulting--Relational-Support--iconIf you think about your personal brand and content strategy, how do you tell your story to your clients? Are you sharing stories that reflect the firm’s values in your outreach efforts? Consider how a story from another brand or possible competitor of yours resonates with you. Perhaps, ask your best clients why they chose you as their financial advisor. There is likely a story you told that resonated with them and could also resonate with someone else. At the end of the day, successful client relationships are built on trust and understanding. Take the time to get to know your clients on a personal level, understand their individual goals and aspirations, and provide them with the personalized support they need. This level of authenticity builds relationships.

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